okay, so God was blessed us with a fairly good weather yesterday..no heavy rains or typhoons in the metro..that meant i was good to go. I woke up pretty early though i slept late since i was afraid that if i fell asleep..it would rain real hard..good thing it didn't...i was able to go to GH w/o my dad knowing and my mom thinking i'll only go to SM Bicutan (around 8x nearer our house), my father found out only when i got home..wasn't mad since mom knew...anyway, when i got there..i was able to meet most Wolverine collectors on PTK. One guy wasn't there due to more important things...condolence once again bro. He asked me to hold on to his figs first, he got the masked astonishing, CMF, unmasked astonishing SHS and Logan SHS, i'll just go give him the figs on CollectIcon, i'll get the things i bought from him too (ML Strike team, AoA Regular, 3 essentials). Anyway, these guys are real nice, i've already met one of them before since i bought 2 wolverines from him already (Ultimate and Weapon X). After the group buy, only 5 items were left. 2 vintage wolverines (from mid 1990s) 2 Funkko (?) bobble heads (Brown and tigerstripe) and HML Black Wolverine..yes, the one i'm looking for..the guy selling it was quitting toy collecting already and he wanted to let everything go already..and pretty much everyone knew it was in my hit list. So they persuaded me into buying it. I told them i'm looking for a looose one...and then the guy said he'd sell it to me as if it was loose..i was tempted so much but the price he gave was the exact amount i had left..meaning, no more cellpho
ne repair and no commute money. Called my mom and asked her to give me an advance so i can buy something i wanted, she obliged. But being the thinking man that i am..i was still able to ask for P50 ($1) off..he finally agreed so he gave it to me for a VERY LOW P450 ($9)! most loose figs aren't even sold that low!it goes for around P800 ($16) on ebay for a loose figure..and the lowest MOC is around P900 ($18)...but that wasn't the end of my lucky day in collecting. The seller gave the two vintage Wolverines to the head of the group buy as a sign of thanks..so after that, i went to the cellphone repair section where i looked for the lowest possible price for my phone's repair (ended up having it repaired for P250) while searching, the head of the GB texted me and even called me asking if i was still in GH. I thought i picked up a wrong fig, turns out..he asked if i wanted to get the vintage wolverines..of course i did! haha. so i ended up meeting with him in McDo, hung out for a while..got a shirt for my girlfriend..got my phone fixed and went home. All in all i took home 5 new figs for myself..the CMF magazine didn't contain anything that i didn't know before (yep, i read it..haha). I also found out that the Iron Mongers i found online were already cheap. haha. might get two of them..more on that later..here's what i think of the new Wolverines i have..a little summary?
1. XMC Stealth- left elbow is loose, other than that..awesome.
2. Unmasked Astonishing - REAL TIGHT! unlike my masked one..
3. Street Fight Logan - REALLY LOOSE but i think it's meant to be that way since it's the feature of the figure
4. Vintage Logan - the claws work like a pen..you can retract them...nice condition
5. Vintage Battle Damaged - pull the lever at the back, hands move. nice condtion for an old fig..
6. Black Wolverine - Will keep it MOC unless someone buys the right arm (2nd MOC fig if ever, next to MS Ultimate Wolverine)
i might have spent more money than expected but i wouldn't have it any other way..i was able to get 3 new figures for just an additional P450! met nice guys too..real nice guys..i'm real excited to go hunt for new toys on staurday, CollectIcon..i want to be able to buy at least one or two figs there..and hopefully the trade for Ninja Strike Wolverine goes through and happens..oh, and i won't get a movie abomination anymore..i'll get 2 movie iron mongers instead..at least, i hope i do..

*sorry for the grainy black wolverine, took that with my phone..freaking camera is busted..but at least from now on i'll post my real pics..
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