- 25th anniversary TRU Exclusive Wolverine
- Red Hulk series Tigerstripe
- Legendary Riders Logan Vaiant
- Face-off Open Mouth Variant
- Blob series Ultimate Wolverine variant
so that's just five figures left, I already have reservations for a MOC Silver Wolverine and the Riders variant which i'll be able to get for P1000 if ever, Fourthwall has one Ultimate variant that goes for P800, i saw a loose one in greenhills being sold for P350..didn't buy it because plastic felt real cheap, probably a booty..next guy bought it though..As for the tigerstripe, a MOC one goes for P900, not buying..i'd rather have a loose one..and the face-off open mouth goes for P1000 but still MOC..i'll just wait for a loose one to pop-up too..as for the XMC wolverines, i think i'm lacking just a few too..though i lack more than what i have..
- Wolverine Tigerstripe w/ Slash Attack Action
- Wolverine from Mutant Racer
- Wolverine from X-Jet
- Wolverine X-Treme Wild Chopper
okay, for this line..i saw the tigerstripe w/ Slash Attack Action MOC at around P600 in comic oddesey, The Wolverine Mutant Racer, well..i already have dibs on it if ever the price is right, the one from the jet..i have no idea how i'll get it..as for the one with the Wild Chopper, i'll only get it if it comes with the bike..the figure looks real skinny so i really won't get it alone..after those things, i'm done catching up to the 6"Wolverines..i might get a movie fig now and then but it's not my priority..
okay, i went to Greenhills last saturday and i finally got my X-23, it's good i guess, the legs seem like they're made up of a different material..it does help the stability of the fig if you "pop out" the claws on the foot. I also bought a stand for my Archangel, now he isn't lying down anymore but he's "flying". Now i can display my X-Force together without looking inadequate..

oh, as for the busts..well, there's 3 of them being sold on ebay for only P5900..and my very wonderful girlfriend offered to buy them and give them to me as birthday/christmas gifts..she knows i like it, anyone else gave me that offer i'd gladly say yes..the problem is..i don't want her to spend that much, i know she can..but still, haha. you know what i'm saying? maybe i can split the cost with her or something.:D
raiverine here! goodluck on ur hunting bub!!!